

Order Tamco-TV

This form is for EXISTING Tamco users to ADD streaming-TV to their existing Internet services.

To receive Tamco-TV you must first signup to one of our Internet packages.

Account Number:
Your Name:
E-mail Address:
Your Phone Number:
Service Address:
Choose Your Service Plan:   Skinny Basic Plan for $23/mth
  Skinny PLUS Plan for $33/mth
Your primary device for streaming:
Number of Devices/TVs:
You can stream to three(3) TVs at a time.
Additional streams are $5/each/mth
Add Additional Packages/Channels:   Add Sportsnet Package for $18/mth

  Add Sportsnet for $15/mth

  Add Sportsnet 360 for $7/mth

  Add Sportsnet One for $10/mth

  Add TSN,(1,2,3,4,5) for $5/mth

  Add HBO/CRAVE for $15/mth

  Add all the Kids channels for $10/mth

  Add all the news channels for $9/mth

  Add Blue Ant Package for $8/mth

  Add Additional Channels

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