order_cable_rogers Order Cable-Internet Your Contact Information: First Name: Last Name: E-mail Address: Your Phone Number: Format: 123-456-7890 Your Service Address: Street Number: Street Name: Suite/Unit/Apt: City: Province: Ontario Postal Code: Choose Your Service Plan: Cable-R6 Cable-R30 Cable-R75 Cable-R300 Add StaticDNSIP Equipment Options: Supply Your Own Equipment Buy Modem/Router/WiFi Unit Tell us about your Modem: Make and Model of your modem?Cisco : DPC3848NCisco : DPC3848VCoship : CCM8200Hitron : CDA3-35Hitron : CGNM-3550Hitron : CGN3-RESHitron : CDA3Hitron : CGN-CWVHitron : CDA-RESHuawei : MT130UHuawei : MT130UMotorola : SBG6580SmartRG : SR804nSmartRG : SR808acTechnicolor : DCM475Technicolor : DCM476Technicolor : DCW775Technicolor : TC4300Technicolor : TC4350TP-Link : TC7650 Modem Serial Number: Modem Mac Address: SmartRG : SR808AC Wireless 2.4GHz and 5GHz 4 X Gigabit Ethernet LAN WiFi Standard 802.11ac 24×8 Bonded Channels DOCSIS 3.0 Compliant Installation Options: New Installation Transfer Service New Installation Appointment: Allow at least five(5) days to book a new installation. New installation require an onsite technician to come out. Please supply three(3) Days/Times you would prefer a technician to visit. We will let you know which of your preferences works for the technician. Confirmation of your installation date takes about two(2) business days. Installations are done Monday to Saturday with no Sunday installs. Your First Choice Date: Time Window: 8-AM to 11-AM11-AM to 2-PM2-PM to 5-PM5-PM to 8-PM Your Second Choice Date: Time Window: 8-AM to 11-AM11-AM to 2-PM2-PM to 5-PM5-PM to 8-PM Your Third Choice Date: Time Window: 8-AM to 11-AM11-AM to 2-PM2-PM to 5-PM5-PM to 8-PM Transfer Service: Allow at least fifteen(15) days to book a transfer. With ‘transfers’ no onsite technician will have to come out. What day is your current service set to disconnect? Date: Credit Card Information: Name on Credit Card: Credit Card Number: Credit Card Expiry Date: Credit Card CCV: Special Instructions or Additional Information: Enter text here… Back to Internet Options